Golf Core Exercises

Publish date: 2024-05-07

In the golf core exercises video and article below, strength and conditioning expert, Jamie Greaves, demonstrates how to perform three fantastic exercises – moves that could form an important part of any golf strength training to give your golf game a huge boost.

Carries & Holds

Not all exercises have fancy names – carries and holds are as simple as they sound. The exercises in the video below are brilliant for golfers for a number of reasons. Firstly, they help us to improve our grip strength. Secondly, they are fantastic for improving our core control. On top of this, carries and holds help our conditioning levels.

I’d say carries and holds are fairly underutilised in the fitness world. What I also like about them is that you can pick up any weight and go for a walk – so you can perform this kind of exercise in the comfort of your own home.

If you’re more of a beginner, in terms of workout experience, the farmer’s carry/hold is a great starting point. The suitcase carry/hold is an intermediate level exercise, and it’s a variation that really hits our lateral core. Then we have the hang – which sounds easy, but it’s more of an advanced exercise. It’s a super exercise for golfers, as it’s going to increase golf grip strength, shoulder mobility, and it decompresses the spine.

If you’re looking for one or two moves that are going to improve your core strength, then give these golf core exercises a try. Just be sure to watch the video above to find out how they should be performed.

If you can couple some of these moves, that will improve your core strength with some golf stretch exercises and some golf speed training, you'll improve how your body supports the motion of the golf swing.

If you still need a bit of inspiration, check out Rory McIlroy's gym routine. For those looking to put together a full body workout, try these 10 essential exercises for golfers. Again, I've offered variations of each exercise, so you'll be able to find a move that suits where you're at. 
