Why is Paul Rudd so popular?

Publish date: 2024-05-06

[quote]Years ago on this site, someone said they knew him in college (or maybe his ‘theater’ days as [R54] mentioned, I can’t remember exactly), and he was bisexual, or even gay, and they were very surprised to see him morph into the video-game-playing married dad he’d become by that time.

Eh, I have some free time between assignments so let me google and see if I can find that thread and throw that up and anything else random I see

As an aside: The guy above mentioning they heard something bad about Paul Rudd on here may have been talking about this

From 6/23/2017, Reply 23

[quote]Rudd moves between pudginess and approaching-skinny, but he's never had a real body to speak of. He is hairy, but he's never had real body definition. More significantly, he's quite SHORT, even for an actor. NYC is full of passing anecdotes about encountering a "short, rude, aggressive Paul Rudd" at Starbucks. Or wherever. Like so many other NYC men, Rudd is borderline handsome, but ridiculously short, and manifests a classic Napoleon complex of behaviors to compensate.

As for "bi" or "gay" stuff:

Reply 88, 6/24/2017

[quote]I don't think he is 5'11". I am 5' 11.75" (6' on a really good day) and I had to bend slightly to kiss him. Not quite sure about the "jerk at Starbucks comments". When I knew him, he was somewhat shy. I could see him coming off as a jerk to cover for his shyness. On the other hand, when I met him again recently, I was surprised how much he had changed. He has really adopted the video game playing, frat boy persona. This was not they guy I knew in NYC.

(And I think this is the same poster)

Reply 100, 6/28/2017

[quote]"Not very deep" may be subjective. He was doing Shakespeare (yeah, that play). He certainly knew the material well enough to talk about it intelligently. He was politically aware. He had a political poster in his apartment window, though I cannot remember which one . There were books in his apartment and he seemed fairly well read. I wonder if it is a case of losing brain cells in LA. I have to admit that when I met him again, there was no there there. It kind of surprised me. It wasn't a long conversation; so, I could not get beneath the surface. On the other hand, I have known a few people with whom I was great friends, but got involved with Wall Street and turned into American Psycho type assholes. Perhaps it is just that one's personality is still malleable in one's 20s.

[quote]He is indeed very good with his mouth both above the neck and below the waist, and he gives/gave as good as he receives. I don't want to set my self up as some sort of moral beacon, but I have always avoided drunk sex. I have no interest in "gosh I was so drunk last night, I can't remember a thing." situations. Alcohol other than a few drinks "after work" was not part of the scenario.

[quote]It is a pity that he turned out this way. I guess he fell into a crowd with which he was comfortable and with whom he could make money. Oh well.
