Inside The Lawsuit After Billy Brown's Death

Publish date: 2024-05-06

The suit against Billy Brown's estate was filed in April, per The Sun, but the process seems to be slow in progressing. Just recently, Ami Brown, Billy's widow, filed papers to change her current lawyer. Originally, she had hired Dale L. Crandall from North Cascades Law Group, but has now changed to a different lawyer from the same Washington-based group. According to The Sun, Ami's current lawyer, Robert M. Schiesser specializes specifically in "civil litigation in business" and also has experience in probate, which may be helpful when dealing with a situation that involves the estate of a deceased.

This change in representation comes as Ami is waiting for a decision from a judge regarding the existence of the suit in general. On behalf of the estate, she also filed suit to dismiss Robert Maughon's claims, stating that the federal court, where the initial suit was filed, does not have proper jurisdiction to hear or rule on the situation. Instead, the estate wants the state court to rule, because it is currently under probate court. As the profits are directly associated with the estate, Ami and her lawyer seem to want to bundle the whole situation together. Maughon has asked for the decision not to be made until he has been able to fully state his case.
