Dean Nimmer Obituary, Massachusetts College of Art and Design Professor Has Died

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Dean Nimmer Obituary, Death Cause – In the world of art, there are educators who leave a profound impact on their students, not only through their teaching but also through their unwavering passion for the craft. Recently, the art community was saddened by the news of the passing of Dean Nimmer, a cherished figure at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. As a former student of this esteemed institution, I never had the privilege of studying under Professor Nimmer, but his legacy and influence on countless artists, including myself, are undeniable.

Dean Nimmer: The Chair of the Painting Department

Dean Nimmer was a distinguished artist and educator who held the position of Chair of the Painting Department at MassArt. While I never had the opportunity to sit in his classroom, I have heard countless stories from fellow students and colleagues who were fortunate enough to be mentored by him. Professor Nimmer was not just an instructor; he was a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration for aspiring painters.

For many students, the prospect of entering the world of academia can be daunting, especially for those of us who are naturally shy. I can personally relate to this feeling as I was incredibly timid during my undergraduate years. However, I’ve come to learn that Professor Nimmer had a unique way of fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging artistic growth in even the most introverted students.

A Legacy of Encouragement

One of the remarkable qualities that stood out about Dean Nimmer was his ability to create an inclusive and supportive environment within the painting department. Many students, like myself, felt overwhelmed by the competitive nature of the art world, but Professor Nimmer emphasized the importance of self-expression and the journey of artistic discovery over external validation.

His teaching philosophy centered around nurturing creativity and individuality. He encouraged students to find their unique artistic voices, reminding them that art is a deeply personal and introspective process. Professor Nimmer’s classes were not just about learning techniques; they were about exploring the depths of one’s imagination and tapping into the wellspring of creativity that resides within each artist.

Beyond the Classroom

Dean Nimmer’s influence extended beyond the confines of the classroom. He was known for his commitment to building a close-knit artistic community at MassArt, hosting gallery exhibitions, workshops, and events that brought students and faculty together. These events provided a platform for students to showcase their work, gain exposure, and receive constructive feedback from their peers and mentors.

In Memoriam

While I may not have had the privilege of studying under Dean Nimmer, his legacy at MassArt and his impact on the art world as a whole are undeniable. His passing leaves a void that can never truly be filled, but his teachings and the spirit of creativity he nurtured in his students will continue to inspire generations of artists.

As we remember Dean Nimmer, we also reflect on the profound influence that educators can have on their students, even if they never had the chance to meet face to face. Professor Nimmer’s dedication to fostering creativity, nurturing individuality, and creating a welcoming artistic community will forever be remembered as an integral part of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design’s legacy.


In the world of art education, some professors leave an indelible mark on their students, transcending the boundaries of the classroom. Dean Nimmer was one such professor, whose passion for painting and dedication to nurturing the artistic spirit touched the lives of many. While I may have been too shy to introduce myself during my undergraduate years, I am grateful for the enduring impact he had on the artistic community at MassArt. Dean Nimmer’s legacy serves as a reminder that great educators inspire not only through their words but through the lasting influence they leave in the hearts and minds of their students.
