Lex Lugers comments | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-04

I would say that he solidified himself in both organizations man. He is a former winner of the Royal Rumble, 2 time WCW Champion (Including a fantastic match against Hogan on Nitro where he basically took on the whole NWO), and main evented in both big organizations. Whether you liked his style or not he was big time. He is possibly the biggest reason that WCW started off huge on Nitro. The fact that people never knew who might show up and then when other guys did (Hall and Nash etc.) it exploded. The guy has done plenty and main evented with the greatest wrestlers of all time (Hogan, Savage, Flair, Sting, etc.) You are being ignorant if you are just going to pretend like he never was a huge star.
