Who is Celina Rebholz? Nevada man arrested in shooting death of his girlfriend

Publish date: 2024-05-03

The lifeless body of Celina Rebholz, aged 27, was discovered within a residence situated on the 1600 block of Golden Arrow Drive, near Maryland Parkway and Desert Inn Road.

A grim turn of events led to the apprehension of Celina’s boyfriend, James Gina, on August 14, 2023, as authorities investigated his suspected involvement in the tragic incident.

Celina’s untimely demise came to light when an individual entered the Southeast Area Command Center for the Las Vegan Metropolitan Police Department, where he reported a homicide.

As reported by 8NewsNow, the distressing revelation emerged that Celina Rebholz had reportedly lost her life two days before James Gina’s apprehension.

It became evident that the tipster had come forward on August 14 to convey that Gina had allegedly issued threats against Celina’s life during a verbal altercation on August 12, 2023.

Subsequent inquiries by law enforcement unveiled a troubling history within the suspect’s background, stretching back to the year 2002. James Gina’s involvement in a series of criminal activities resulted in several charges, to which he pleaded guilty and faced conviction.

The unfolding details underscore the gravity of the situation, as authorities delve into the circumstances surrounding Celina’s tragic demise and the events leading up to it.

Who Killed Celina Rebholz?

On August 14, law enforcement officials arrived at a residence and encountered a tattooed man, later identified as James Gina, alongside the lifeless body of his girlfriend, Celina Rebholz. The discovery unfolded against a backdrop of tragic events, prompting swift action from authorities.

Gina’s apprehension followed a tip provided by an individual who sought refuge at the Southeast Area Command Center for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, around 2:30 pm on August 14. The tipster’s report conveyed a sense of urgency, as he expressed fear for his own safety.

The individual recounted hearing a heated altercation between the couple two days prior, during which Gina allegedly threatened to end Celina’s life with gunfire.

Amidst the confrontation, Gina purportedly shouted, “I’ll put three [bullets] in you if you don’t shut up,” further deepening the distressing circumstances. The tipster narrated his own encounter with the situation, explaining that he departed the premises after witnessing this alarming scene.

Upon his return, he discovered Celina Rebholz unclothed on the floor, while Gina exhibited erratic behavior. Overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation, the tipster left the scene without calling emergency services.

An additional revelation from two other witnesses bolstered the tipster’s claims. The second witness disclosed that Gina had sent a text message containing the chilling words, “She’s gone! She’s dead.” This corroborated the growing concerns surrounding Celina’s fate.

Investigation into Gina’s background unveiled a history marred by domestic violence charges and multiple felony convictions. Although initially arrested for domestic violence, a subsequent dismissal occurred.

However, his plea of guilty to various charges, including battery constituting domestic violence, coercion, and possession of a stolen vehicle, reflected his legal entanglements.

A darker incident emerged from last year, involving Gina’s alleged involvement in operating a chop shop, underscoring the complex tapestry of his criminal history.

The tipster’s assertion regarding Gina’s volatile temperament and firearm possession further highlighted the potential risks associated with the suspect.

As the legal proceedings unfold, Gina remains in custody at the Clark County Detention Center without bail. He faces charges of open murder with a deadly weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm.

A preliminary hearing has been slated for September 5, 2023, at 9:30 am local time, marking a significant juncture in the investigation into the tragic demise of Celina Rebholz.

What Happened To Celina Rebholz?

Celina Rebholz was tragically found dead in a residence on the 1600 block of Golden Arrow Drive. Her body was discovered by police on August 14, 2023, when they arrived at the house. It was reported that she had been allegedly killed by her boyfriend, James Gina.

The circumstances surrounding her death were brought to the attention of authorities by a tipster who expressed concerns about her well-being. The tipster stated that Gina had threatened to shoot Celina during a verbal altercation two days before his arrest.

Who Is Celina Rebholz?

Celina Rebholz was an individual whose life was tragically cut short in a distressing series of events. While specific details about her background and personal life may not be available in the provided information, the circumstances surrounding her untimely demise paint a somber picture.

Rebholz’s name became associated with a deeply unfortunate incident that unfolded within a residence located on the 1600 block of Golden Arrow Drive. Her presence within this context speaks to her connection to the location where her body was discovered.

How Did Celina Rebholz Die?

Celina Rebholz died as a result of multiple gunshot wounds. The arrest report states that she had been shot 12 times. Her tragic death occurred amid a distressing series of events involving her boyfriend, James Gina III, who has been accused of shooting and killing her.

The circumstances surrounding her death suggest that she was caught in a heated altercation with Gina, during which threats were made and violence ensued.

Celina Rebholz Murder

According to official police documents, a Las Vegas man, Gina is facing accusations of fatally shooting his girlfriend and concealing her body within his residence for two days.

On August 14, around 2:30 p.m., an individual entered the Southeast Area Command Center for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to report a homicide.

The arrest report details that the person expressed concern about their safety, fearing potential harm if their presence at the police station became known.

According to the account provided in the report, the individual recounted being present at a residence on the 1600 block of Golden Arrow Drive on August 12, two days prior.

During this time, they claimed to have heard a heated argument between the suspect, James Gina III, aged 50, and his girlfriend, Celina Rebholz, at approximately 9 a.m.

The individual shared their knowledge that Gina possessed multiple firearms, had a propensity for violence, and was known to use crystal meth. The arrest report further detailed that during the argument, Rebholz was heard accusing Gina of being a pedophile.

The situation escalated with Rebholz allegedly hurling objects, and Gina responding by threatening to shoot her, stating, “I’ll put three in you if you don’t shut up.”

Reportedly, Gina’s mother tried to intervene, but he reportedly warned her that he would also harm her with gunfire if she didn’t leave. The witness and Gina’s mother left the residence for several hours, during which time the situation escalated further.

Upon their return, the witness found Gina agitated and distressed. Gina then led the witness to a bedroom where they discovered Rebholz’s lifeless body, unclothed and with a chest wound.

Gina purportedly informed Gina’s mother that he had accidentally shot Rebholz while “fiddling with his gun.” The situation remained dire, as Rebholz was still alive, emitting sounds of distress. However, the witness’s efforts to have Gina call for medical assistance reportedly went unheeded.

In subsequent days, Gina reportedly texted the witness confirming Rebholz’s demise, to which the witness responded by deleting the message to avoid association with the crime.

Gina allegedly later confessed to the witness that he had hidden Rebholz’s body in the attic and expressed a desire to leave the scene.

Police arrived at the residence on August 14 at around 7:30 p.m. and took Gina into custody. During their search of the house, officers discovered Rebholz’s body, concealed beneath a blanket in Gina’s bedroom. The report indicated that Rebholz had sustained twelve gunshot wounds.

Gina refused to cooperate with detectives, and he is currently detained at the Clark County Detention Center without bail.

He faces charges of open murder with a deadly weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. Gina’s preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 5 at 9:30 a.m.
