Blue Mountains Website Design Ecommerce

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Yes, WordPress will provide training sessions if you choose WordPress. On completion of your project, you will receive a training session. The initial training covers adding new pages, blog posts, editing text, and changing the menu. This includes editing product details and uploading photos if you have an ecommerce shop.

Krug's First Law of Usability states that a web-page should be easy to navigate and understandable. You have to remove the questions marks from a site. This is the job of web designers.

You can focus your users' attention on certain areas of the site by using moderate visual elements. This will help them get from A to B quickly and without needing to know how. The fewer questions visitors ask, the better their sense of orientation and the greater trust they are able to develop in the company that the site represents. This means that the user experience, which is the goal of usability, is better if there is less behind-the scenes thinking.
