The Meaning Behind The Song: Even If by MercyMe

Publish date: 2024-05-02

The Profound Meaning Behind MercyMe’s Hit Song “Even If”


For years, MercyMe has been one of the most beloved Christian bands in the music industry, bringing powerful messages and uplifting lyrics to their listeners. One of their most renowned songs is “Even If,” from their 2017 album “Lifer.” This song resonated with millions of fans around the world, becoming a hit that has been played on countless radio stations, streamed online, and performed in concerts. The song’s message of faith and perseverance expresses a deep hope that resonates with people in their darkest moments. In this article, we will dive into the profound meaning behind the song “Even If,” exploring MercyMe’s powerful storytelling and the heart of their message.

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Overview of the Song

“Even If” is a powerful song that starts with a slow piano melody, building up to a thunderous chorus packed with emotion and faith. The lyrics are simple but profound, expressing the idea of hope amidst adversity. The song’s bridge and final chorus humbly proclaim:

“I know You’re able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t, my hope is You alone”

This segment echoes Daniel 3:16-18 wherein Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not worship the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar and faced being thrown in a fiery furnace. Knowing that God has the power to deliver them, they still declared, “We do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and He will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if He does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up”.

The Story Behind the Song

It is important to recognize that some pieces from this song were based on a true story. “Even If” was inspired by the story of Bart Millard, MercyMe’s lead vocalist and songwriter, and his family. Millard and his wife struggled with infertility for years and experienced a loss when their newborn son, Charles, died from complications. This tragedy left them grief-stricken, wrestling with the question of how they could trust God even when everything seemed to fall apart. Later that year, Millard received the news that his father’s cancer was terminal, leaving him with the same question, as he watched his father endure unbearable pain.

In a recent interview with Guideposts, Millard shared that Although He, like every human, feared the idea of losing his dad, the main thought behind the song always bothered him, for all Christ’s devoted followers aren’t guaranteed anything. As Christians, we believe God created everything, rules everything, and can do everything, but we might not receive what we desire, because some things are not in our hands. The song doesn’t deny this truth but affirms that Jesus is worthy of our worship because He alone is our hope and salvation.

The Message of the Song

As previously mentioned, “Even If” speaks of faith and perseverance, even when things seem bleak and hopeless. The chorus emphasizes that there is always hope in Christ, even if things don’t go as planned. It expresses the idea that true faith isn’t based on the idea of always receiving everything we want but instead believing in God amidst any circumstance.

It is hard to talk about hope without sharing the opposite of hope, which is despair. Despair is the most significant internal obstacle someone can experience from doubt, fear, and insecurities. Despair tells us that it’s better to give up because all is lost. It leads us to the moment of giving up on striving for any objectives and even our faith. This is where MercyMe’s “Even If” comes in; firstly, it acknowledges the possibility of hopelessness and fears that come with it, and secondly, it affirms that Jesus is still worthy of following.

In recent times as the world is grappling with a pandemic and worldwide racial injustice, it’s evident that hope and perseverance have never been more important. MercyMe’s song “Even If” is a balm in these times, providing the awareness that even when things seem doomed, faith in Christ gives a firm hope to grab hold of, even if it’s distant.


MercyMe’s song “Even If” has made a significant impact on the world because of its message of hope and perseverance. The song’s lyrics, inspired by Bart Millard’s life experience with a great loss, deals with the universal truth that while we don’t always receive what we desire or hope for, Jesus remains our solid ground. MercyMe provides solace by reminding us that even if the worst happens, God is still worthy of our praise. It is essential to hold on to this message of hope and trust in these challenging, uncertain times to believe that even if everything feels wrong, something good can still come out of it.
