Daniel Bryan is Overrated | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-05-02
I made an argument once that when AJ Styles wrestled, it was as if the Universe itself had found a tiny piece of harmony, because here was a man who had found the thing he was meant to do, and he did it. As if there was order for a brief moment in an infinite sea of chaos.

Daniel Bryan does not just order the local Universe. When Daniel Bryan wrestles, there is music in the cosmos. There is peace on Earth; crying babies cease to wail; young lovers share their first kisses; dogs and cats negotiate terms. To watch Daniel Bryan wrestle is to know that not only has a man found his purpose and fulfilled it, but he has transcended it - he has made the purpose itself nobler in the doing.

Daniel Bryan wrestling is Christmas and warm baked bread and puppies all at once.


That was the philosophical response. Now, the normal one:

1. Five moves of doom is a tragically inept criticism of any wrestler. Every good wrestler ever has callbacks and tried and true spots. Cena's moves are well documented. Orton has the powerslam, and the fancy neckbreaker, and the rope DDT. Flair had the corner thing (I don't know how to describe it properly. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't belong here, shoo). CM Punk has the corner knee/bulldog combo. Everyone who is any good at wrestling has a core suite of moves. Daniel Bryan has plenty of signatures in his own right, but as is true of any good wrestler ever, it's what happens between the signatures that define him. And between the signatures, Bryan has it all - the selling, the psychology, the crisp, hard hitting offense, and the ability to play the crowd like a fiddle. The same exact things that Cena, Orton, Flair, Punk, and all the other best fucking wrestlers ever did/do.

2. Motherfucker doesn't have to go out there and bust out a sonnet. He has to engage the crowd and sell the feud. Daniel Bryan sure as hell engages the crowd every time he picks up a mic, and he also sells the feud pretty well.

3. Daniel Bryan is listed at Wikipedia as 5'10", 210 pounds. Mike Tyson, once described as the baddest man on the planet, one of the most recognizable heavyweight champions of all time in "the real world", and all around stone cold motherfucker who in his day everyone believed could probably kill anyone in the ring with him, is listed on Wikipedia at 5'10" and fought at 220. You concede the argument graciously.
